Пиргос Агро ООД




THE INSTITUTE OF FIELD AND VEGETABLE CROPS in Novi Sad was founded in 1983 by decision of the Ministry of Agriculture of Yugoslavia.
With its successful work and its good results, the institute is taking an important place in Serbian and worldwide agriculture science. It is the biggest state institute in Europe.
Fundamental and practical research programs are focused in development of field and vegetable crops including feed and industrial crop, medical plants, herbs and spices.
Until now the institute has created over 1000 sorts and hybrids, 500 of which are registered and are being grown in 26 countries – Argentina, countries on EU, Ukraine, Russia, China, India and ect.
The institute of field and vegetable crops has a great team of over 550 people, 59 of which has a degree doctor of science, 15 professors and 300 high educated specialist in different areas


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